
About inquiry

Please check the frequently asked questions before contacting us.
Inquiries are handled by chat.
Automatic response is possible for simple contents. If a response from the person in charge is required, we will contact you within 5 business days. It may take time to contact you during busy periods. note that.

Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)

About the product

What is the delivery date?
Please check the estimated delivery date on the product page. We cannot answer for items whose arrival date is undecided. If you would like to receive a notification email when the product arrives, please set it from the button at the bottom of the product page.
Due to the unstable supply of brass products and other products ordered from overseas due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, the next arrival date is still undecided.
Please tell me the load capacity.
We cannot answer the load capacity of hardware such as shelf holders and hooks that we handle. This is because the load capacity varies greatly depending on the material of the wall to be installed and the presence or absence of the base. Thank you for your understanding.

About your order

I have completed my order but have not received a confirmation email.

After confirming and setting your e-mail reception settings below, please contact us from the inquiry page if you would like to resend the e-mail.

If you do not receive the e-mail, it may be due to the following reasons.

  • Mobile email addresses (docomo / au / softbank carrier mail) and provider emails that have spam filters set may have a spam prevention function set as standard, and emails delivered from this shop may be spam. There is a possibility that it will be automatically sorted to the mail folder or trash box, so please check it once.

    If you do not receive the notification e-mail due to spam filter settings, please set the reception permission for " " in the specified domain reception. We are unable to respond to inquiries regarding settings.

    [How to set/cancel specified domain reception]
    NTT Docomo

  • Wrong input of e-mail address There is a possibility that the description of the e-mail address registered by the customer is incorrect. Please contact us if you have any concerns.

  • Mail Server Over Capacity Mail servers have capacity, and if you do not delete mail regularly, your inbox may fill up and not accept new mail. If you have any idea, please delete the mail on the server.

Please send some items first.
Regardless of whether it is an in-stock item or an ordered item, it will be shipped after all the items are in stock. Partial delivery within one order is not possible. If you need an item in a hurry, please place separate orders.
Can you issue a receipt?
You can download the receipt from the shipping completion email. (You can also specify the address and proviso input)
I would like to return the product.
We cannot accept returns due to customer reasons such as wrong size or color. If the product arrives damaged, please contact us within one week. We will arrange a replacement. If more than one week has passed, we will not be able to respond, so please check the ordered product immediately after the product arrives.


I would like you to sell products that are not listed on the online store.
In order to introduce the products, there may be cases where products other than the products handled may be shown in the product page or Instagram. Please note that we cannot sell products other than those listed on the online store.
About business sales
We offer contractor discounts to construction contractors who meet certain conditions. We will send you detailed information, so please contact us via chat.

Please also refer to the following page.